Name |
The name of the export control log. |
Type |
The type of object. |
Revision |
Revision number of the export control log. |
Description of Export Control
Log |
The details of the export control log. |
State |
The current lifecycle state of the export control log:
Exists. |
Date of Export |
The date of the export. |
Time of Export |
The time of the export. |
Method of Delivery |
The delivery method of the export. For example, Electronic,
Face to Face, Meeting-NetMeeting, Meeting-VideoConferencing, Telephone. |
Recipients of the Export |
Those who received the export. |
Associated Export Control
Document |
Export Control Document associated with the export. |
Exporters of the Information |
Those who exported the object. |
Owner |
The user responsible for the export control log. |
Originator |
The user who originally created the export control
log. |
Originated |
The date the export control log was created. |
Policy |
The Export Control Log policy governs the lifecycle of the
export control log. |