Name |
The name of the item. |
Type |
The type of item is security rule. |
Rule Classification |
In IP Protection Management, security rules are classified by Organization or Skill. |
Expression |
The defined rule using standard expressions. The Business
Administrator can define the maximum length of security rule expressions. |
Description |
The description of the security rule. |
Allow Visa Holders? |
For Citizenship classification. TRUE if the security rule
allows visa holders. FALSE if the security rule does not allow visa holders.
Select or clear the check box to edit the value. |
Allow Permanent Resident Card
Holders? |
For Citizenship classification. TRUE if the security rule
allows permanent resident card holders. FALSE if the security rule does not allow
permanent resident card holders. Select or clear the check box to edit the
value. |
State |
The current lifecycle state of the security rule. |
Policy |
The policy that governs the security rule. |
Owner |
The user responsible for the security rule. |
Originator |
The person who created the security rule. |
Modified |
The date the security rule was last modified. |
Originated |
The date the security rule was created. |