Git Connector Configuration: Add/Edit Repository

You can add Git repositories to make them available to 3DEXPERIENCE platform applications. You can edit existing Git repositories definitions to correct any issues.

Field Description
Repository Path The absolute path to the Git repository, for example, /home/user/projects/ABC/src.git.

The path must be available to the server either by being co-located or available through NFS. The path must be a valid Git repository.

Note: A path to a Git workspace created via the ‘git clone’ command is not a Git repository. The workspace only contains the contents of the latest version of a branch within the Git repository. The full Git repository is typically in the .git subdirectory within the workspace. The full Git repository may reside in a different local file system path, typically in a “bare” repository; a repository created with git init –bare. Git bare repositories are commonly shared among many people. Each person commits changes in their workspace to their local Git repository in the workspace. The local Git repository changes are then pushed to the Git bare repository.

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