3DSearch URL is Accessible, but Cannot be Confirmed to be a 3DPassport-enabled Server

The Adapter provides this error message: 3DSearch URL is accessible, but cannot be confirmed to be a 3DPassport-enabled server.

See Also
Connector Configuration


The 3DSearch URL provided references a server, but the server does not respond as expected. The 3DSearch server responds with information about the associated 3DPassportserver. The Adapter validates the returned 3DPassport URL with the 3DPassport URL specified in the SCM Adapter.


The URLs in the SCM Adapter do not match the values provided by the Show 3DEXPERIENCE URLs action in the connected app.


    1. Copy 3DSearch URL from “Show 3DEXPERIENCE URLs” action in connected app.
    2. Auto-configure the SCM Adapter from the connected app.