Deploying the Artifactory Sample Code

You can configure the Artifactory connector options and test the Artifactory Connector in Connected Software.

Before you begin:
  • Deploy the Connector onto Apache, as described in the connector Installation.
  • Compile and configure the sample files as described in: .
See Also
In Other Guides
Connector Configuration
  1. Open the Connector Configuration page and select Artifactory from the Connectors List at the bottom of the page.
  2. Register the artifactory connection as described inArtifactory Connector Configuration: Register Server.
  3. From the Connected Software create a repository connection to the Connector, as described in Adding a New Connector, selecting Artifactory as the repository type.

    Note: The Repository Type field is a drop-down list. If Artifactory does not appear in the list, verify that you have followed the instructions for Compiling the Example, and restarted your Web app server.

  4. Create a software or semiconductor item using the repository created in the previous step. The Item Address field is a select list populated with a list of available Artifactory repositories.