SRC Request Template Lifecycle

A request template in the Released state is required to create a component request. The SRC Request Template policy governs the lifecycle of a request template.

The SRC Request Template lifecycle includes these states:

This page discusses:

In Work

The request template is created in the In Work state.

The Owner of the request template can edit, delete, and promote the request template. Before promoting to Frozen, enter the title and select the request category and request assignee.


The Owner can edit, promote, and demote the request template.

The Component Category, Evaluation, Evaluation Review, Implementation, Implementation Review workflows and Request Assignee cannot be edited.

The Owner, or Leader of the collaborative space, can promote the request template to Released.


The request template is available to create a component request. The request template cannot be edited, demoted, or deleted in the Released state.

The title, request category, and request assignee are required before promoting to the Obsolete state. The Owner can promote the request template to Obsolete.


The request template is available for existing component requests, but is no longer available to create a new component request.

The request template cannot be demoted from the Obsolete state.