Using PartSupply Components

You can use PartSupply components in Component Request Administration. You can open PartSupply in a separate window and drag a part component from PartSupply and drop in on the source section of the New Component Request wizard.

Before you begin: Open the New Component Request wizard. For more information, see Creating Component Requests.
  1. From the New Component Request wizard, scroll down to the Source-1 section of the wizard.

    Note: You can add additional sourcing sections.

  2. In a separate window, click the Compass and select As a Business Model.
  3. Click Part Supply.
  4. Log in using your credentials.
    The 3DEXPERIENCE Marketplace| PartSupply component service page opens.
  5. Search for a PartSupply component.
  6. Drag the component from PartSupply and drop it onto the Source section of the New Component Request wizard.
    The Manufacturer Part Number, Manufacturer, Part Source, and Part Source URL automatically populate with the PartSupply object.

You can view the PartSupply details from the Properties tab of the component request. For more information, see Component Request Properties.