You can use the Start New Activity panel to create a
In the Start New Activity panel, click
New Document.
Enter these details:
Field |
Description |
Credentials |
Shows the current collaborative space and your
responsibility in it. If you belong to more than one
organization, include the organization with the
collaborative space and responsibility. To change,
select the required collaborative space and
responsibility combination from the list. You
cannot change the collaborative space after the
document is created. |
Title |
Enter a descriptive title for the document. If this
field is blank when you add a file to the dialog box,
the app adds the file name here. |
Description |
Enter a description or the use or purpose of the
document. |
Drag a file from your computer to the drop zone, or click the drop zone to
use the browser's file search dialog box to select the required file. You
can only add a single file to the document.
You can click x for the file to remove it from the
Click Create.
The app creates the document in the In Work state. If your current view is
Documents or
Documents, the app adds the document to the list.
If you
refresh the widget before the next search index update, the document is removed
from the list. By default, the index is updated every 5 minutes, but your Administrator can modify this interval to between 1 minute and 30 minutes. After the index
update, you can refresh the widget again. Also, you can use 3DSearch to access your recent content (content that has not yet been indexed). When a
document is updated or file is modified, a dialog window will appear so you can
confirm your actions.