Adding Related Objects

To completely document an issue, you add objects related to the issue. The organization that owns the initial affected item becomes the responsible organization for the issue.

  • Affected items objects: where the issue is found.
  • Resolved By objects: Other items that are proposed to fix the issue (typically revisions of the affected items).
  • Context: lists any objects that provide a better understanding of the issue. It can be another 3D object with a bigger structure to see the full context of an issue.

You can also add a related object by dropping an object onto the issue. Issue Management prompts you to choose how that object is to be attached to the issue.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:
  1. In the list of issues, select the required issue.
  2. Click Information.
  3. Click Related Objects.

Add an Affected Item to a Listed Issue

You can add objects that indicate what the issues are affected items directly in the list of issues. The Affected Item column in the list of issues shows Yes and a number of any objects have been defined.

The organization that owns the initial affected item becomes the responsible organization for the issue.

  1. View the list of issues.
  2. Drop objects from search results onto the Affected Item column to add that object.
  3. Select which type of related object you want to define for this item: Context, Affected Item, or Resolved By, then click Attach.

Pick an Object from a 3D Image

You can use Issue 3D Review to select an object as an affected item or resolved by. This option is only available if you create the issue from Issue 3D Review or have the Issue 3D Review widget open in the dashboard.

Before you begin:
  1. In the list of issues, select the required issue.
  2. Click Information.
  3. Click Related Objects.
  1. In the Affected Item or Resolved By section, click Pick Object.

    For more information, see the Issue 3D Review User's Guide.

  2. You can use a level selector in the Issue 3D Review to choose which part of the object you want to associate with the issue.

Add Objects as Affected Items

You can add an existing object to the list of Affected Items.

Before you begin:
  1. In the list of issues, select the required issue.
  2. Click Information.
  3. Click Related Objects.
In the Affected Items section, click Add Affected Item.

Search for an object to add to the affected items list.

You cannot add Project Planning projects or tasks.

Add an Object as Resolved By

You can add an existing object to the list of Resolved By objects.

Before you begin:
  1. In the list of issues, select the required issue.
  2. Click Information.
  3. Click Related Objects.
In the Resolved By section, click Add Resolved By.

Search for an object to add to the resoled by list.

You cannot add Project Planning projects or tasks.

Add a Context

You can add a context from a 3D image or from 3DSearch.

Before you begin:
  1. In the list of issues, select the required issue.
  2. Click Information.
  3. Click Related Objects.
  1. In the Contexts section, click Add Context.
  2. Use Issue 3D Review or 3DSearch to select the object.