Open the route and view the tasks.
Double-click the required task. If the graph view is in edit mode, you must
switch to view mode to complete the task.
Information about the task slides in, with the available actions based on the
expected action in a menu on the toolbar.
Review the task details.
If the task is pending, you can look at the details but you cannot perform any
For tasks with the Approve expected action, follow these steps to complete the
Enter comments.
and the action you want to take. Your selection replaces the name of
the action on the toolbar. You can choose:
- Approve
- Reject
- Abstain
- Save for later
- Use Save for later if you want to
save entered comments but are not ready to approve or
reject the task.
- Your Business Administrator can configure the property
to show or hide the Abstain option.
- Authentication with e-signature is required for approval
action, if it is made mandatory. Additional
authentication with two-factor authentication is
required, if it is activated by your Business
Click the selected action.
For tasks with the Comment expected action, follow these steps to complete the
Enter comments.
and the action you want to take. Your selection replaces the name of
the action on the toolbar. You can choose:
Use Save for later if you want to save entered
comments but are not ready to complete the task.
Click the selected action.
If you complete the last task in the route and the route is configured to Promote
Connected Object, the object is promoted to the next lifeycycle state. However, the
object could also be connected to an incomplete route for the object's current
state. All routes for a state must be complete before the object can be promoted. If
the final route to complete does not specify Promote Connected Object, you must
manually promote the object.