Inserting Cross-References

You can add cross-references to create hyperlinks from one topic to another, or from one location in a topic to another location in the same topic. The target of the cross-reference must have an ID value defined.

This task shows you how to:

Add a Reference to a Topic

You can add a cross-reference to another topic in the document map. You cannot add cross-references to topics not contained in any map.

  1. Insert the cursor where you want to place the link.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click in the topic toolbar.
    • Click Insert and select Cross-Reference, and then Topic.
  3. Define the reference:

    Field Description
    Reference Text The text that displays in the current topic as the hyperlink.
    Topic Select the required topic from the list.
    Tip: If you leave the Reference Text empty, the label for the referenced element inserts automatically as the displayed text for the link.

  4. Click OK.

To edit a topic, select it in the breadcrumb trail. The element toolbar lists the details entered above, and you can edit any value. You can also select a specific element (that has an ID defined) from the topic.

Add a Reference to an Element in Another Topic

You can add a cross-reference to bookmarked element in another topic in the document map. You cannot add cross-references to elements in topics not contained in any map.

Before you begin: The element you want to link to must have an ID.
  1. Insert the cursor where you want to add the cross-reference.
  2. Click Insert and select Cross-Reference, and then the element type.

    You can choose any of these element types:

    • Topic Element
    • Footnote
    • Section
    • Figure

  3. Define the reference:

    Field Description
    Reference Text The text that displays in the current topic as the hyperlink.
    Topic Select the topic that contains the target of the cross-reference.

    Element IDFootnote

    The field name matches the type of reference you selected.

    Select the element in that topic to use as the target of the cross-reference. You can select any element of the listed type that has an ID value defined.

    The dialog box shows an error message if the selected topic does not contain at least one ID of the selected type.

  4. Click OK.

The app adds the reference text as the link. When published, the reference text is a hyperlink.