Managing Access Rights

You can add, view and edit a user group's access rights by granting Manager or Owner rights to as many members as required. A Manager can add and remove users. An Owner has the same rights as a Manager, and is also enabled to manage the access rights described below.

Important: If the group is private, granting any of these rights removes the group visibility restrictions for the given grantee.

Before you begin:
  • You must be an administrator of the platform or an owner of the group.
  • At least a user group must exist.
  • Only members of the platform can be added, even if they have not validated their platform invitation yet. You cannot add external users even if your platform administrator has enabled this type of invitation.
  • If you are not the main owner and the group is not displayed in the My Groups node, select either of the following:
    • All Groups, to display all the groups of your platform.

      To filter all your groups by access role, on the upper-right of the list of groups, click Filter Groups, and select either of the following:

      • Acess Rights:
        • Manager
        • Owner
        • Viewer
        • Member

    • If you have access to several platforms, > Platforms, then select another platform in the list.
See Also
User Groups Roles and Access Rights
  1. In the User Groups dashboard app, select a user group.
  2. Select either of the following:
    • In the Access Rights tab , click Add Access Right, and in the Manager or Owner fields, enter the name of the member or if the the user has not validated the platform invitation yet, the email, and select it, and click Add.

      • If the group is private and you grant Manager or Owner rights, those members will see the group in their list of groups, and the list of members of the group.
      • If they are already members of a group that has been used to add them to an app, they might know who are the members of the group if the name or the description of the group are explicit enough.

    • Select the Access Rights tab, and in the top bar search field, enter the name of the user, and in the search results list select the user and drop it to the Access Rights section.
      Tip: Minimize the search results list to display both the user group and the results so that you can drag and drop the user.

    Repeat these steps as many times as required.

The selected access right is granted to the selected member. To revoke or switch access rights, from the context menu of the given user select Revoke Access or an alternative role.

By default, the list of members is displayed in Tile View. Click Table View to switch the view.