Sharing Engineering Content

You can share engineering app content such as Physical Product, Review, Simulation, manufacturing, and so on.

This page discusses:

Sharing with Users

You can grant the Can Read or Can Edit permissions to individual users.

The following table describes the content sharing supported in engineering apps:

Permission Supported Scope in Generic Engineering App Limitations Description
Can Read Search, Open, Bookmark or Use content1 for:
  • Reference
  • Representation
Can insert the product in an owned product structure.2
Can Edit Edit and Lock for:
  • Reference
  • Representation
Add, Remove, and Edit for:
  • Instance
  • Part
  • Connection
Revise for:
  • Reference
  • Representation
Includes Can Read access.
1 “Bookmark or Use” is the ability to point to the content.

2 Previously, if a user had Read access for a product, that user could find the product in a search, but could not insert the product in an owned product structure. Now, with Can Read access for a product, the user can insert that product in an owned product structure.

Sharing with Bookmark Roots and Bookmarks

The following table describes how permissions defined for Bookmark Roots and Bookmarks apply to engineering content.

For information about who can access Bookmark Roots and Bookmarks and descriptions of the permissions, see Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide: Team Central.

Permission Supported Scope in Generic Engineering App Limitations Description
Can View
Can Read Search and Open for:
  • Reference
  • Representation

For a Bookmark Root, Can Read means that users can view the top-level Bookmarks, but do not have file access.

For a Bookmark, Can Read means that users can view a file, but not edit it.

Can Edit Edit and Lock for:
  • Reference
  • Representation
Add, Remove, and Edit for:
  • Instance
  • Port
  • Connection
Revise and Delete for:
  • Reference
  • Representation
Members can read, write, add, and remove files.
Can Manage

Sharing Engineering Content with Others

When sharing reference engineering content, the configured access rules affect the Can Read and Can Edit access levels. Sharing manages the access rights of the shared content.

When setting up collaboration with others, you can use the Manage Access tool. This table indicates if the configured access rules apply to the listed access levels for who you select to share the content with.

Content Is Shared With Configured Access Rules Apply? Can Read Permission Can Edit Permission
User Group or Individual Users1 2
Collaborative Space/ Organization pair in User's Credentials Sensitive only to the Read Operations access rules Not recommended.1

1 If available, use a user group to assign permissions to many users at the same time.

2 If the content is in the Frozen, Released, or Obsolete state, the user only has the Can Read permission.