Public Reader Responsibility

If you have the Public Reader responsibility, these tables list the content that you can access.

"Bookmark or Use" is the ability to point to the content.

Personal Management content has a single state: UNSPECIFIED. It is accessible only by the owner or an Administrator in a collaborative space where the user is a member.

Note: After you create or modify content, the app verifies your responsibility before you can save that content. Some commands verify your responsibility immediately, while other commands verify it when you click Save.

This page discusses:

Responsibility Based Access to Generic Content

This table lists the access to generic content for users with the Public Reader responsibility.

Permissions Conceptual Maturity State Content Categories
Authoring Resource Definition Evaluation
Search, Open, Bookmark or Use PRIVATE

A public collaborative space and organization that the user can access own the content.

RELEASED A public or protected collaborative space and organization that the user can access own the content.
Delete All
Change Maturity

Responsibility Based Access to Engineering Content

This table specifies which operations are possible for each responsibility, content category, and maturity state. It applies to Engineering apps content identifiable by its collaborative policy: Engineering Resource, Engineering Definition, or Engineering Evaluation.

The Personal Management content category for engineering apps does not apply to the Public Reader responsibility.

This table lists access to engineering apps content for users with the Public Reader responsibility.

Permissions Maturity State Content Categories
Admin Resource Authoring Resource Definition Evaluation
Search, Open, Bookmark or Use In Work

A public collaborative space and organization that the user can access own the content.

Released A public or protected collaborative space and organization that the user can access own the content.
Create Private
Delete All
Change Maturity