About the 3DEXPERIENCE Launcher

The 3DEXPERIENCE Launcher is a background service that must be downloaded and installed before installing native apps for the first time from the cloud. If you have previously installed any native app, this service does not need to be installed manually.

Once the installation is finished, you can interact with the icon that is automatically created in the system tray. You do not need to restart your operating system.

This page discusses:


The first time you click a native app from the Compass, a wizard which is only available on the cloud appears. It displays the steps you must follow to download and install the 3DEXPERIENCE Launcher.

Once you have finished the installation, you can start installing your native apps.

Note: If the 3DEXPERIENCE Launcher is already installed and a new version is available, an Update 3DEXPERIENCE Launcher dialog box lets you upgrade the installed version. The options below are available:
  • If the upgrade is optional, you can click Start Update Now or Update Later to automatically upgrade the installed version without administrator rights.
  • If the upgrade is mandatory, you must click Start Update Now to make sure you have the required version of the tool and continue working with your apps normally.
The 3DEXPERIENCE Launcher displays a spinner during its upgrade or during silent operations that can take a couple of minutes.

Note: If you are running an on-premises solution, the native apps must be installed by your administrator. The 3DEXPERIENCE Launcher will be installed automatically at the same time.

System Tray Icon Interactions

The 3DEXPERIENCE Launcher icon that appears in the system tray allows you to interact with your platform.

You can:

  • Click it to start the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
  • Right-click it to access the commands described below:

Command Name Command Description
Open 3DEXPERIENCE Opens the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
Options Opens the 3DEXPERIENCE Launcher Options dialog box.
  • Options tab:

    Lets you set a path:

    • in the 3DEXPERIENCE Launcher Logs directory, to store the launcher service status and installation log files.
    • in the Local Cache directory (if not set at platform level by your administrator), to store files downloaded from the cloud for native apps installation.
      Note: Select a large storage drive.
    Note: These paths cannot be modified if the service is not running.

  • Diagnostics tab:

    Click Run diagnostics to check the following:

    • Service is installed and running.
    • Registry is in a valid state.
    • Hosts file is in a valid state.
    • SSL certificate is installed and bound on port 20300.
    • Connection to the address ::1 on port 20300 successful.
    • Connection to the address on port 20300 successful.
    • Connection to the Launcher successful.
    • If any of the checks listed above fails, an explanatory error message appears.
    • Depending on your configuration, the name of the port and address may vary.
About Provides the version of the launcher and the port number of the 3DEXPERIENCE.
Copy Port Number Copies the port number of the 3DEXPERIENCE to your clipboard.


  • If some problems arise, Welcome to the 3DEXPERIENCE Launcher appears again and help you fix them.
  • The 3DEXPERIENCE platform communicates with the 3DEXPERIENCE Launcher through the https protocol on a given port. If the default port cannot be used, the 3DEXPERIENCE Launcher searches for a free one. In case the two first recommendations do not solve the issue, select the Copy Port Number command and paste the port in the The port number changed. Enter the number here: field of the Troubleshoot section.