Managing Dashboards

You can create and manage dashboards to track topics of your interest. For example, you can use Dassault Systèmes as a dashboard keyword to track the latest media related to this topic.

This task shows you how to:

Add and Rename a Dashboard

You can add dashboards to your 3DEXPERIENCE session and rename them.

  1. Select either of the following:
    • from the top bar, select Add > Dashboard.
    • on the left of the Compass, click Dashboards List, and click Add Dashboard.
  2. Select one of the following:
    • Create empty dashboard to create a dashboard that you can populate with widgets later and optionally enter a dashboard name.
    • Create dashboard from template and enter the topic you want to track.
  3. Optional: In the Enter a description for your new dashboard:, enter a description of the topics that your dashboard will cover. This field is limited to 251 characters.

    The text of your description can be used to find a dashboard using a simple search. For more information, see About 3DSearch Queries.

  4. Click Create.
    Either an empty dashboard is created or if you have selected a template, the new dashboard will automatically track the topic you entered using three Feed Reader widgets that retrieve content from Google News, Flickr recent uploads, and Bing News.
  5. Optional: To rename the active dashboard, select Dashboard Menu > Edit and click OK.
  6. Optional: To rename an inactive dashboard, from the top bar, select either of the following:
    • Dashboard Menu > Manage .
    • on the left of the Compass, click Dashboards List, Manage .

      If your list contains many dashboards, you can narrow the list by:

      • Searching for a dashboard name in the Search Dashboards field. The list of dashboards is filtered as you type.
      • Sorting the list by Modification Date, Title or User Rights. On the upper right, click Sort Dashboards
      • Filtering the list by your dashboard access rights. Click Filter Dashboards and select Reader, Contributor or Owner.

    Note: On the upper-right, you can click Switch View to select the list view . Click it again to switch to tile view.

    From the context menu of the given dashboard, select Edit .

    Note: If you have selected list view on the upper-right, the command is available under the Actions column.

    You can also modify the description of the dashboard.

Share a Dashboard

You can share a dashboard with users from any of your platforms, by using their names or email or by generating a link that you can share with anyone.

Note: On the cloud, you can also share a dahboard with a user group.
Important: The recipients of the shared dashboard only receive a copy of it. If you modify your dashboard, the copy used by the recipient will not be updated and vice versa. To keep a shared dashboard synchronized, select the Manage members of this dashboard option to invite people with whom you want to keep the dashboard synchronized.
Note: The user's name can only be used when sharing content with someone who has already validated the platform invitation. You can use an email only if:
  • The user has not validated the platform invitation yet.
  • The user has not been invited to the platform and your administrator has activated external sharing.

  1. To Share the active dashboard, select either of the following:
    • Dashboard Menu > Share .
    • From the top bar, select Share > Share Dashboard .
  2. Optional: To share an inactive dashboard select either of the following:
    • Dashboard Menu > Manage .
      Note: If you have selected list view on the upper-right, the command is available under the Actions column.
    • On the left of the Compass, click Dashboards List, Manage .

      If your list contains many dashboards, you can narrow the list by:

      • Searching for a dashboard name in the Search Dashboards field. The list of dashboards is filtered as you type.
      • Sorting the list by Modification Date,Title or User Rights. On the upper right, click Sort Dashboards
      • Filtering the list by your dashboard access rights. Click Filter Dashboards and select Reader, Contributor or Owner.

    Note: On the upper-right, you can click Switch View to select the list view . Click it again to switch to tile view.

    From the context menu of the given dashboard, select Share .

  3. Select:
    • Share a copy of this dashboard with the following users, to share it with a limited number of members and, if you are on the cloud with user groups. You can find a member by entering a name or email or, if you are on the cloud, a user group by entering the name of the group.
      Note: User Groups may be private. To view or search for this kind of group you may need to have specific access rights granted.

      For more information, see Social and Collaborative: User Groups: User Groups Roles and Access Rights

    • Share a copy of this dashboard by link with anyone, to generate a public link. You can share this link using any collaborative tool like an email client.
      Note: If you have customized the dashboard background, those with whom you share the dashboard will not see it.
    • Manage members of this dashboard, to add, remove, or update the members or if you are on the cloud, the user groups of the dashboard by entering the name of the member or the group. User groups display, along with their name, the number of members and the role of the group.
      Note: User Groups may be private. To add or search for this kind of group, you may need to have specific access rights granted.

      For more information, see Social and Collaborative: User Groups: User Groups Roles and Access Rights

      The available roles are as follows:

      • Reader: has read-only access.
      • Contributor: can edit the content of widgets but cannot modify the structure or properties of the dashboard or widget position or size.
      • Owner: can edit the dashboard structure and widget content, modify the dashboard properties, and delete the dashboard.
  4. Click Share.

If you have selected:

  • Share a copy of this dashboard with the following users, an email with a personal link will be sent to the selected members.
  • Share a copy of this dashboard by link with anyone, a public link will be generated.
  • Manage members of this dashboard, the Manage Dashboards dialog box appears, and lets you manage the members of the current dashboard. For more information, see Invite Users to Share a Synchronized Dashboard..
Note: To share an inactive dashboard, from the top bar, select Dashboard Menu > Manage , select the dashboard you want to share in the list and click Share on the right pane.

Invite Users to Share a Synchronized Dashboard

You can invite either members or, if you are on the cloud, user groups from any of your platforms to share a synchronized dashboard.

Note: The user's name can only be used when sharing content with someone who has already validated the platform invitation. You can use an email only if the user:
  • has not validated the platform invitation yet.
  • has not been invited to the platform and your administrator has activated external sharing.

Before you begin: You must be the Owner of the dashboard.
  1. To share the active dashboard, select either of the following:
    • Dashboard Menu > Share .
    • From the top bar, select Share > Share Dashboard .
  2. To share an inactive dashboard select either of the following:
    • Dashboard Menu > Manage .
    • on the left of the Compass, click Dashboards List, Manage .

      If your list contains many dashboards, you can narrow the list by:

      • Searching for a dashboard name in the Search Dashboards field. The list of dashboards is filtered as you type.
      • Sorting the list by Modification Date, Title, or User Rights. On the upper right, click Sort Dashboards
      • Filtering the list by your dashboard access rights. Click Filter Dashboards and select Reader, Contributor or Owner.

    • Note: On the upper-right, you can click Switch View to select the list view . Click it again to switch to tile view.

    Click the given dashboard,

  3. Click Add members .
  4. In the Reader, Contributor or Owner fields, enter the name or the mail of the user you want to add.

    Note: On the cloud, you can also add a user group.
    Note: User Groups may be private. To add or search for this kind of group, you may need to have specific access rights granted.

    For more information, see Social and Collaborative: User Groups: User Groups Roles and Access Rights

    The available roles are as follows:

    • Reader: has read-only access.
      Note: Readers are allowed to refresh widgets but cannot change the preferences or add new widgets.
    • Contributor: can edit the content of widgets but cannot modify the structure or properties of the dashboard or widget position or size.
    • Owner: can edit the dashboard structure and widget content, modify the dashboard properties, and delete the dashboard.
    • If you grant Owner rights to several users and they edit any dashboard item at the same time, only the latest modifications will be kept.
    • A same user can be added to a dashboard as a single user and as member of a user group. Access rights match the stronger level assigned. (from stronger to weaker: Owner, Contributor, and Reader).
  5. Click the name or the mail of the user or the name of the user group to add it to the list.
  6. Click Add.

A notification is sent to the users or the members of the user group, and the dashboard is automatically added to the list of their dashboards. Synchronized dashboards are identified by this icon for owners in the Dashboard List . For readers, the dashboard is identified by a .

Note: To unshare a synchronized dashboard that has been shared with you, do either of the following:
  • If it is the active dashboard, from the top bar, select Dashboard Menu > Unsubscribe . .
  • If it is an inactive dashboard, from the top bar, select Dashboard Menu > Manage , select either of the following.
    • click the dashboard you want to unsubscribe from in the list, and on the upper-right corner, click Unsubscribe .
    • from the context menu of the dashboard, select Unsubscribe ..

Important: A synchronized dashboard allows its members to access a unique content and structure view. If anyone having Owner rights modifies it, everyone will receive the latest modifications.
You can change the member's and user group's rights or access a user group's properties in the Manage Dashboards dialog box anytime.
Note: If the dashboard has been shared with a private user group, you may need to have specific access rights granted to see and manage its membership.

For more information, see Social and Collaborative: User Groups: User Groups Roles and Access Rights

In the context menu of the member or user group, select:

  • Set reader, Set owner or Set contributor to change the granted rights. From the list, select Revoke access, to remove the member or the user group .
  • View Members, to access the properties and members of a group.
Important: You can edit a user group's membership or properties in the User Groups app only.
Note: If you are an administrator, another way to share a synchronized dashboard is to assign a custom role to the dashboard. All the members that will be granted this role will automatically have access to the dashboard as readers, the administrators will have access as owners.

Search and Filter the Members of a Dashboard

When managing the members of a dashboard containing many, you may need to search for a specific member or filter the list using their dashboard access rights.

Note: If you are on the cloud, you can also search and filter user groups.
Note: User Groups may be private. To view or search for this kind of group you may need to have specific access rights granted.

For more information, see Social and Collaborative: User Groups: User Groups Roles and Access Rights

  1. Select either of the following:
    • From the top bar, Dashboard Menu > Manage .
    • On the left of the Compass, click Dashboards List, and click Manage .

      If your list contains many dashboards, you can narrow the list by:

      • Searching for a dashboard name in the Search Dashboards field. The list of dashboards is filtered as you type.
      • Sorting the list by Modification Date, Title or User Rights. On the upper right, click Sort Dashboards
      • Filtering the list by your dashboard access rights. Click Filter Dashboards and select Reader, Contributor or Owner.

    Note: On the upper-right, you can click Switch View to select the list view . Click it again to switch to tile view.

  2. In the toolbar click either of the following:
    • Search Members, and enter the exact name of the member or group.
      Note: The user's name can only be used with someone who has already validated the platform invitation. You can use an email only if the user:
      • has not validated the platform invitation yet.
      • has not been invited to the platform, and your administrator has activated external sharing.

      The list of members or group is filtered from the very first character you type.

      To clear your search, click .

    • Filter Access Rights, and select either of the following:

      • Reader
      • Contributor
      • Owner
      The list of members is filtered by access rights. The filter icon becomes .

      You can search within the filtered list using Search Members. To clear the filter, click Filter Access Rights > [Last Selected Right].

Duplicate a Dashboard

To ease your task, you can duplicate any dashboard to create different versions of an active complex dashboard.

  1. To duplicate the active dashboard, select Dashboard Menu > Duplicate
    • From the top bar, select Share > Share Dashboard .
  2. To share an inactive dashboard select either of the following:
    • Dashboard Menu > Manage .
    • on the left of the Compass, click Dashboards List, Manage .

      If your list contains many dashboards, you can narrow the list by:

      • Searching for a dashboard name in the Search Dashboards field. The list of dashboards is filtered as you type.
      • Sorting the list by Modification Date, Title or User Rights. On the upper right, click Sort Dashboards
      • Filtering the list by your dashboard access rights. Click Filter Dashboards and select Reader, Contributor or Owner.

    Note: On the upper-right, you can click Switch View to select the list view . Click it again to switch to tile view.

    Select either of the following:

    • click the dashboard you want to duplicate in the list, and on the upper-right corner, click Duplicate .
    • from the context menu of the given dashboard, select Duplicate .
      Note: If you have selected list view on the upper-right, the command is available under the Actions column.

A Copy of [name of the dashboard] is created and becomes the active dashboard.

Delete a Dashboard

You can delete one or more of your dashboard.

Before you begin: You must be owner of the dashboard.
  1. To delete the active dashboard, from the top bar, select Dashboard Menu > Delete .
  2. To delete an inactive dashboard select either of the following:
    • from the top bar, select > Dashboard Menu > Manage .
    • on the left of the Compass, click Dashboards List, Manage .

      If your list contains many dashboards, you can narrow the list by:

      • Searching for a dashboard name in the Search Dashboards field. The list of dashboards is filtered as you type.
      • Sorting the list by Modification Date, Title, User Rigts or, if the Recycle Bin tab is selected, Deletion Date. On the upper right, click Sort Dashboards
      • Filtering the list by your dashboard access rights. Click Filter Dashboards and select Reader, Contributor or Owner.

    Note: On the upper-right, you can click Switch View to select the list view . Click it again to switch to tile view.

    Select either of the following:

    • click the dashboard you want to delete in the list, and on the upper-right corner click Delete .

      If you need to delete several of your dashboards at once, on the upper-right corner, click Filter Dashboards, and select Owner. Click Select/Unselect All, Select All and click Delete.

      Tip: You can also drag & drop your selection to the Recycle Bin tab.

    • from the context menu of the given dashboard, select Delete.

    Note: If you have selected list view on the upper-right, the command is available under the Actions column.

  3. Click OK.

    You can recover the deleted dashboard during 30 days. For more information, see Restoring a Dashboard from the Recycle Bin, and Recovering Deleted Items.

The dashboard is sent to the Recycle Bin. If you have selected more than one, all the selected dashboards are sent to the Recycle Bin.

To access the Recycle Bin containing all your deleted dashboards, on the left of the Compass, click Dashboards List, Manage. You can access the following commands from the dashboard context menu:

  • View Dashboard. Opens the deleted dashboard to let you check its content. Once displayed, you can browse it, and restore it from the tooltip that appears.
  • Restore. See Restoring a Dashboard from the Recycle Bin.
  • Delete. Deletes the dashboard permanently.
    Note: To delete all the dashboards of your Recycle Bin, on the upper-right corner, click Empty Recycle Bin.

    Note: If you have selected list view the command is available under the Actions column.

If you have deleted a dashboard to which you had invited some users, the shared dashboard will be unavailable to all of them.

Customize a Dashboard Background Image

You can add a .JPG or .JPEG background image to your dashboard.

Before you begin: You must be owner of the dashboard.
  1. Select either of the following: .
    • From the top bar, select Dashboard Menu > Manage .
    • On the left of the Compass, click Dashboards List, Manage , and click it.

      If your list contains many dashboards, you can narrow the list by:

      • Searching for a dashboard name in the Search Dashboards field. The list of dashboards is filtered as you type.
      • Sorting the list by Modification Date,Title or User Rights. On the upper right, click Sort Dashboards
      • Filtering the list by your dashboard access rights. Click Filter Dashboards and select Reader, Contributor or Owner.

    Note: On the upper-right, you can click Switch View to select the list view . Click it again to switch to tile view.

  2. Select the Settings tab.
  3. In the Enter an URL or drop an image... field, enter the URL of the image or drop an image file.
  4. Click Apply to validate.
  5. In the Background setting - Set new background dialog box, click OK to validate.

The new background image is applied. To remove the image, follow steps one to three and click Reset.

Customize a Dashboard Thumbnail

You can add a .JPG or .JPEG image to replace the default dashboard thumbnail.

Before you begin: You must be owner of the dashboard.
  1. Select either of the following:
    • From the top bar, select Dashboard Menu > Manage .
    • On the left of the Compass, click Dashboards List, Manage , and click it.

      If your list contains many dashboards, you can narrow the list by:

      • Searching for a dashboard name in the Search Dashboards field. The list of dashboards is filtered as you type.
      • Sorting the list by Modification Date, Title or User Rights. On the upper right, click Sort Dashboards
      • Filtering the list by your dashboard access rights. Click Filter Dashboards and select Reader, Contributor or Owner.

    Note: On the upper-right, you can click Switch View to select the list view . Click it again to switch to tile view.

  2. Select the Settings tab.
  3. In the Enter an URL or drop an image... field of the Thumbnail section, enter the URL of the image or drop an image file.
  4. Click Apply to validate.

The new thumbnail image is applied, and replaces the default one that appears along ths dashboard name. To remove the image, follow steps one to three, and click Reset.