Access to Content in Collaborative Spaces

Your credentials include the collaborative space, responsibility, and organization assigned to you. Together these determine which content you can view and work with in a collaborative space. New content is created in the collaborative space specified in your current credentials. New content is owned by the organization specified in your current credentials.

This page discusses:


Your credentials determine which content is available to you in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. Credentials are the combination of:

  • Collaborative space
  • Responsibility
  • Organization

You select your credentials after you log in to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. To create content, your credentials must contain the collaborative space that you want to own the content. Depending on the combination of collaborative space visibility, your responsibility, and the content rules defined by your Administrator, you might be able to access content in a collaborative space other than the one specified in your current credentials, or you might need to switch to that collaborative space to view and work with its content.

Collaborative Spaces

Collaborative spaces provide an area where people with different job functions can work together to produce and deliver content. Your company can create as many collaborative spaces as needed for your business purposes. You can be added as a member to any number of collaborative spaces, regardless of your organization membership.

Depending on the collaborative space's visibility and the content's maturity state, you may be able to search for, explore, view, and open the content.

Collaborative Space Visibility Description
  • Content is visible to members of this or any other collaborative space, unless the content is in the Private maturity state.
  • Content can be freely viewed from and be connected to from any other collaborative space.
  • Public content remains public. This ensures the stability and consistency of public content across different collaborative spaces.
  • Content in the Released or Obsolete state is visible to members of this or any other collaborative space.
  • Content in the Private, In Work, or Frozen maturity states is protected.
  • Content is accessible only to members of the collaborative space.
  • Content is not visible to members of any other collaborative space.


Your responsibility determines what you can do in the collaborative space, depending on its visibility. The only way you know the collaborative space's visibility is if your Administrator either includes that word in the name of the collaborativespace or tells you. You can have different responsibilities in different collaborative spaces.

The following table describes the responsibilities and permissions for Design tasks in collaborative spaces. The restricted responsibilities are limited to content owned by the organization to which that user belongs.

Responsibility Permissions
Public Reader
  • Can read any content of collaborative spaces and organizations the user is assigned to.
  • Can access Public and Protected collaborative spaces, but not Private collaborative spaces.

Reader (Restricted)

  • Can read any content in collaborative spaces and organizations the user is assigned to.
  • Can create Personal Management content (such as Favorites, Personal Folders, and so on). This kind of content is only accessible to the content owner.

Contributor (Restricted)

  • Inherits all Reader permissions.
  • Can create Evaluation content (such as Review, Simulation, and so on).

Author (Restricted)

  • Inherits all Contributor permissions.
  • Can create Definition content (such as Requirements, Physical Product, XCAD, EBOM Part, System, Manufacturing, and so on).

Leader (Restricted)

  • Inherits all Author access rights.
  • Can create Resource content (such as Library, Project Template, and so on).
The following table describes the responsibilities for administrative tasks. These responsibilities cannot create content as described in the previous table for Design tasks. The Owner (Restricted) responsibility is limited to content and resources owned by the organization to which the person belongs.
Responsibility Permissions

Owner (Restricted)

  • Can read any content of the collaborative space, including personal content.
  • Can create Administrative Resource content (such as Material Domain, Resource Set, and so on). These resources are accessible to users with read permissions in the collaborative space.
  • Can manage collaborative space resources (such as persons, standard content, and so on).
  • Can modify any property of content of the collaborative space for repair or exception tasks.
  • Inherits all Owner access rights across all collaborative spaces.
  • Can create Administrative Resource content (such as Material Domain, Resource Set, and so on). These resources are accessible to all readers of a company.
  • Can manage company resources such as collaborative spaces, organizations, and persons.
  • Can modify any property of content in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, regardless of its company, for repair or exception tasks.
For detailed information about access to content, see Baseline Responsibilities.


You are an employee of your company, and you can work in a department of a business unit of that company. When an Administrator adds you to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, you are added as an employee of one of the companies, and you can also be added as a member of another organization (such as a business unit or department).

The 3DEXPERIENCE platform is hosted by a specific company, and that company can define organizations to match its own organizational structure. In addition, the host organization can define external organizations, such as supplier companies, so they can work collaboratively with you.