Content Categories

The category of the content, along with your responsibility, determines what actions you can take on the various types of content.

Table 1. Resource Content Categories
Content Category Description Responsibility Permissions
Administrative Resource Management Content that rules the normal business process and is intended for use by different disciplines participating in the product definition. Requires administrative skills (not trade expert skills). Administrator Can create global resources for the 3DSpace service such as persons, organizations, collaborative spaces, business process templates, behavior resource sets. Can assign responsibilities.
Owner Can create local resources for a collaborative space such as templates, behavior resource sets. Can assign responsibilities that allow access to the content belonging to this collaborative space.
People assigned to these responsibilities can perform exception operations on authoring content, bypassing the normal business process. For example, they can modify content in the Released maturity state if necessary.

In large organizations, only some people will be assigned these responsibilities. In small organizations, people with other responsibilities (such as Leader or Author) could also be assigned these responsibilities.

Authoring Resource Management Content that follows the normal business process rules. For example, content in the "Released" maturity state cannot be modified. Requires trade expert skills (not administrative skills). Leader Can create libraries, materials, design templates, project template, and so on.
Table 2. Design Content Categories
Content Category Description Lowest Responsibility That Can Create Content
Definition Content that is part of the product definition, high-level design, or detailed design.

This content relates to the left side of the V-model product development process that defines a top-down progression of high-level solution deliverables starting with the business need.

Typical content examples are requirements, functional definitions, logical definitions, products, 3D parts, drawings, documents, manufacturing, and so on.

Evaluation Quality assessment content produced by contributors like reviewers, auditors, certifiers.

This content relates to the right side of the V-model product development process that mirrors the progressive definition side with matching testing levels.

Typical examples of evaluation content are reviews, validations, interference calculations, simulations.
Personal Management Content used by individuals and not for the product development process. Accessible to the person who owns the content, and the Owner of the collaborative space that the content belongs to.

Typical examples of personal management content are favorites and folders to categorize and bookmark content for later retrieval.
