Structure Apps

Project leaders can import content that is common to several apps belonging to the structure domain. For detailed information about how to use this content, see the user's guides.

This page discusses:


Structure apps are listed below:

  • Structure Functional Design
  • Structure Design
  • Steel Outfitting Design
  • Buildings and Civil Structures Design


The table below presents the content you can import to take full advantage of your apps.

Samples for Detailing Features

Location: ...\startup\Structure\DetailingFeatures\DetailingFeatures.

Feature File Name Description
Advanced Connections AdvCnxTable.txt Advanced connection table.
BracketTable1.txt -
Chamfers ChamferContour.3dxml Chamfer contour.
End cuts EndcutTable.txt Endcut table.
Structure_Endcuts.3dxml Endcut references.
Openings OpeningTable.txt Opening table.
Door.3dxml Opening reference for the catalog type opening.
Clearance_Cut.3dxml Opening reference for the clearance type opening.
Snipe_Cut.3dxml Opening reference for the snipe type opening.
Slots Generic_Slots.3dxml Slot references.
Structure_Slots.3dxml -
SlotTable.txt Slot table.
Design tables Design tables for slots.

Samples for Dictionary

Location: ...\startup\Structure\Dictionary.

File Name Description
Shipbuilding_Dictionary.3dxml -
Structure_Civil_Engineering_Dictionary.3dxml -

Samples for Drafting

Location: ...\startup\Structure\Drafting.

File Name Description
DefaultModelGVS.3dxml Generative View Style (GVS) for structure drawing.
ShellExpDrawingTemplate.xml Contains the information about the sheet format, view name, and view scale for shell expansion drawing.
STR-Annotation.3dxml -
Structure2DSymbolsCatalog.3dxml Catalog containing drawing symbols used for drawing generation.
Structure2DSymbolsDrawing.3dxml 2D symbols drawing.
StructureAnnotationCatalog.3dxml Catalog containing ATS symbols used for drawing generation.
StructureAnnotationDrawing.3dxml Annotations drawing.

GVS files. Location: ...\resources\standard\generativeparameters\SAMPLES.

File Name Description










GVS files for structure drawing.

Samples for Material-Thickness-Section Resources

Location: ...\startup\Structure\Material.

File Name Description
Structure_MaterialParametricSectionTable.txt Table for combinations of materials and parametric sections.
Structure_MaterialResolvedSectionTable.txt Table for combinations of materials and resolved sections.
Structure_MaterialThicknessTable.txt Table for combinations of materials and thicknesses.
Structure_Materials.3dxml Materials for structure apps.

Samples for Structure Resources Catalog

Location: ...\startup\Structure\StructureResourcesCatalog.

File Name Description
Structure_Resources_Catalog_WithResolvedSection.3dxml Catalog containing the following tables: material-resolved section table, material-thickness table, opening table, slot table, and endcut table.
Structure_Resources_Catalog_WithParametricSection.3dxml Structure resources catalog with parametric sections.

Samples for Molded Conventions

Location: ...\startup\Structure\MoldedConvention.

File Name Description
MoldedConventions.xml Molded conventions.

Samples for Parametric Contours

Location: ...\startup\Structure\ParametricContours.

File Name Description
Structure_SketchContours.3dxml Parametric contours.

Samples for Action Rules

Location: ...\startup\Structure\Rules.

File Name Description
RulesCatalog.3dxml Catalog containing the action rules for color, naming, synchronization naming, index of layer, convert stiffener, advanced connection, and pass through point creation.
RulesCatalog_R2022xFD01.3dxml Rules catalog for R2022xFD01.
SFDColor.CATRule Coloring action rule for Structure Functional Design.
SDDColor.CATRule Coloring action rule for Structure Design.
SFDNaming.CATRule Naming action rule for Structure Functional Design.
SDDNaming.CATRule Naming action rule for Structure Design.
SynchronizationNamingRule.CATRule Action rule for synchronization naming.
PassThruPointCreate.CATRule Action rule for pass through point creation.
PassThruPointIndexOfLayer.CATRule Index of layer action rule.
Synchronize Attributes in Exposed Split Plate.CATRule Action rule for attribute synchronization used in the Expose Split Plate command.
ExpertRuleEndcut.CATRule Expert rule to manage the values of additional endcut parameters.
EndcutExpertRule.3dxml Physical product with an expert rule inserted.
ChamferRule.CATRule Chamfering action rule.
Fastener Computation Rule.CATRule Fastener computation rule. Specifies the default template, and pilot and joined parts, and computes the fastener geometry.
Fastener Attribute Rule.CATRule Fastener attribute rule. Sets attributes on the structure fastener during fastener generation.
ManageImpactedObjectWithDetailObjectRule.CATRule Action rule for managing the objects impacted by the break panel/plate operation.
ReroutingRule.CATRule Rerouting rule for rule-based structure copy. Determines the rerouting of input objects.

Samples for Sections

Location: ...\startup\Structure\Sections.

Folder Description
DesignTables Design tables for parametric sections for DSA, DSC, DSCH, DSE, DSJ, DSR, and DSU standards.
GenericSections Generic sections for DSA, DSC, and DSE standards.
ParametricSections IndividualShapes Parametric sections for DSA, DSC, DSCH, DSE, DSJ, DSR, and DSU standards.

Separate 3DXML file for each shape.

(Standard)_Sections.3dxml All shapes in a single 3DXML file.
ResolvedSection IndividualShapes Resolved sections for DSA, DSC, and DSE standards.

Separate 3DXML file for each shape.

(Standard)_Sections.3dxml All shapes in a single 3DXML file.

Sample for Structure Reference Catalog

Location: ...\startup\Structure\StructureReferenceCatalog.

File Name Description
Structure_Reference_Catalog.3dxml Catalog containing references for parametric contours, endcuts, openings, and slots.

Sample for Structure Resources Set

Location: ...\startup\Structure\StructureResourceSet.

File Name Description
Structure_Resource_Set_WithParametricSection.3dxml Resource set with parametric sections.
Structure_Resource_Set_WithResolvedSection.3dxml Resource set with resolved sections.

Samples for Structure Fastener Catalog

Location: ...\startup\Structure\StructureFastenerCatalog.

File Name Description
StructureFastenerCatalog.3dxml Catalog containing fastener templates.
StructureFastenerCatalog_R2022xFD01.3dxml Structure fastener catalog for R2022xFD01.

Samples for Building & Civil Structure Object Types

Location: ...\startup\Structure\ObjectTypes.

Samples for different structure section shapes for DSA, DSC, and DSE standards.