Diagnosing the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Installation

The diagnostic tool allows you to check that the platform is up and running after the complete installation and deployment of your 3DEXPERIENCE platform, comprising all mandatory services.

The diagnosis tool provides results both in the console and in an html output. The html output is automatically launched on Windows but not on Linux.

  1. Go to the service installation directory.

    The tool has to be run in the runtime view of each service, in the following directory:

    • C:\DassaultSystemes\R2022x\service_name\win_b64\code\command on Windows
    • /usr/DassaultSystemes/R2022x/service_name/linux_a64/code/command on Linux

    where service_name corresponds to the service name, for example 3DPassport.

    The diagnostic tool is supported for the following services:

    • 3DPassport
    • 3DDashboard
    • 3DSearch
    • 3DSpace, File Collaboration Server, and 3DSpace Index
    • 3DSwym
    • 3DComment
    • 3DNotification
    Note: The diagnosis tool is not supported for 3D Indexing Server and Monitoring Agent and Probes.

  2. Run the following command:
    • run_test.bat on Windows
    • ./run_test.sh on Linux

    To avoid "WARN" (warning) status for 3DSpace, use “-wa <path_to_webapp>" parameter in the run_test.bat | sh command otherwise the hardening test will not be performed.

    The tool reads the UserIntentions_CODE.xml file that saves the 3DEXPERIENCE Configuration Specifications used during the installation (Security, URL connections, Prerequisites, Directories, Read / Write access, Mail server access etc.).

    If you have upgraded/reconfigured the software, the tool will read the last UserIntentions_CODE.xml created.

    The console results like this:

    "E:\DassaultSystemes\R2022x\3DPassport\win_b64\code\serverjre\bin\java" -cp "E:\DassaultSystemes\R2022x\3DPassport\win_b64\docs\javaserver\*;E:\DassaultSystemes\R2022x\3DPassport\win_b64\docs\javacommon\*" com.dassault_systemes.install_diagnosis.DiagnosisMain -p "E:\DassaultSystemes\R2022x\3DPassport" -n
    testing /test_conf/DiagnosisServiceID.xml
                                            TEST RESULTS SUMMARY
    Service name = 3DPassport
    Computer name = DELL2254DSY
    Date = 01/21/2020 18:02:11
    Name                                 |Expected Prerequisites                                  |Res
    Contact URLs                         |3DEXPERIENCE Platform services should be accessible from|OK
    Service Parameters                   |Summary of main service parameters                      |OK
    Read/Write Access                    |3DEXPERIENCE Installation folder should have read/write |OK
    Email Notifications                  |SMTP server should be accesible                         |OK

    The HTML results look like this:

    The generated results are available in the folder indicated by the url in your browser on Windows or in the path displayed by the console on Linux.

    • /tmp/3DExperience_Diagnosis on Linux
    • <%TEMP% of user>\3DExperience_Diagnosis\ on Windows

  3. If the results show errors, click on the link in Detailed results.

    Note: You can reconfigure service installation parameters without having to reinstall the service. See Reconfiguring the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Installation for more details.