Change Action Lifecycle

A change action (CA) defines the work to be done, tracks the actual modification, and allows users (depending on their role) to review and approve the modifications.

The Change Action lifecycle includes these states:

This page discusses:


The state of the CA when it is first created.

Before promoting from the Draft state to the In Work state:

  • All Impact Analyses must be completed.
  • Assignees must be specified.

Note: The CA owner can delete the CA if no realized changes are connected to the CA.

In Work

Only the owner can promote the CA to In Work, regardless of which collaborative space is active. Assignees are notified when the CA is either promoted to or demoted from the In Work state.

In this state:

  • The Actual Start Date is set on the CA.
  • Proposed changes (revise, new evolution) are automatically performed.

All changes performed under the CA are tracked through realized changes. The Assignee(s) completes the work and moves the CA to the next state for review.

Once the implementation is completed, the changes must be reviewed. A review route is created between the In Approval and Completed states with tasks assigned reviewers.

Note: The CA owner cannot delete a CA that is in a state of In Work or later.

If you promote a CA from In Work to In Approval without at least one proposed change attached, an error message displays.

In Approval

The CA tasks are reviewed in this state. Reviewers can approve the Change Action but must have an RWA license. Once the CA is in this state, no changes are allowed to proposed changes, related items, or realized changes. Completion of the approval route promotes the CA to the Completed state and the Actual Completed Date is specified on the CA.

Note: Do not create a route for a CA that is in the In Approval state.

All Proposed Changes and Realized Changes must be in a Frozen state for the CA to be promoted. For a CA under a CO, you can promote the CA to the In Approval state and then back to the In Work state only if the CO is in the In Work state. Once the approval routes for the CO are complete, the CA is promoted to the Approved state and cannot be demoted.


After all Routes (and tasks) are approved, the CA is promoted to Approved. After the CA is Approved, you cannot move the CA back to In Approval. If a CA is part of a change action group, it will remain in the Approved state until all CAs in the group are in the Approved state. Then, if the CAs are not governed by a CO, all CAs move to the Completed state. If the CAs are governed by a CO, the CAs are in the Approved state until the CO is approved. If a CA from a group is canceled, it must be removed from the group to move other CAs to the Completed state.

Note: Do Not Create a Route for a CA that is in the Approved state.


In the Completed state, All unconfigured parts of realized changes are promoted to release and all proposed changes are promoted to either Released or Obsolete, depending on the intended change. For a CA under a CO, after the last CA is completed in the context of the CO and promoted to Completed, the CO is promoted to the In Approval state. Notifications are sent to the CO owner, assignees, and subscribed users.

Change actions that have dependent change actions cannot be completed until the dependent change actions are completed. Dependent change actions can be promoted to any state before the Completed state.

You cannot establish dependency between:

  • Two CAs that are governed by change orders.
  • A CA that is governed by a change order and CA that is not governed by change order.