About Change Action Impact Indicators in Products

The impact indicators are color codes that indicate whether a change action (CA) impacts an object in a product and whether the CA is complete. Whenever you view a product, the impact indicator displays next to each object's name. A product may be impacted by more than one CA. Impact indicators are shown only in Product Finder and UWP workbench.

This page discusses:

To be impacted means that an object has been either created, modified, or has a new version following work under the CA. Whether the CA impacts the object depends on the state of the CA:

  • Completed -- A completed CA may still be defined as impacting.
  • Canceled -- A canceled CA has no impact on any object.
  • On Hold -- A CA that is On Hold may or may not be impacting depends on its lifecycle.
  • Rejected -- A rejected CA may still be defined as impacting.

Impact Indicator Color Codes

The color codes are:

  • Green - All changes that impact this object are completed.
  • Red - At least one change impacting this object is not completed.
  • White - There are no changes impacting this object.

Impact Indicator Example

Assume that you have three products, Product1, Product2, and Product3 and that these impacting CAs are attached to them:

Product Name Impacting CA(s)
Product1 {none}
Product2 CA1
Product3 CA1, CA2
Product4 CA3

Status of Impacting CAs:

Impacting CA State
CA1 Completed
CA2 Incomplete
CA3 Canceled

The impact indicators will be:

Impacting Indicator Product Name Impacting CA(s) Explanation
White Product1 {none} Product one has no impacting CAs
Green Product2 CA1 CA1 is completed.
Red Product3 CA1, CA2 CA1 is completed but CA2 is not.
White Product4 CA3 CA3 is canceled, so it has no impact.