About Change Dependencies

A change dependency is a relationship between two change objects in which the completion status of one of the objects is dependent on the completion status of the other.

There are three types of dependencies: simple, codependency, and stacking.

This page discusses:

Simple Dependency

One change object must be complete before the other can be complete.

You can create a simple dependency between these types of change objects:

  • Change orders. You can also create dependency between fast track and formal change orders.
  • Self-governing change actions.
  • Self-governing change actions and change orders.

You cannot create simple dependencies between:

  • Non self-governing change actions.
  • Self-governing change actions and non self-governing change actions.
  • Non self-governing change actions and change orders.

Self-governing change actions used in dependency can be promoted until the In Approval state. Change objects governed by change orders can be promoted until the Approved state. Promotion to later states is not allowed if there is dependency associated with that change object.

Change objects that are canceled or on hold cannot have a dependency or be a dependency.

Complete change objects can be added as dependencies to incomplete change objects; but, incomplete change objects cannot be added as dependencies to completed change objects.

You cannot complete a change object if its dependent change object is canceled.

If change object 1 is dependent on change object 2:

  • You can promote change object 1 to In Approval or Approved only if change object 2 is in at least the Approved state. Change object 2 must not be canceled.
  • If change object 2 is demoted from the Approved state, the owner of change object 1 is notified of the demotion (unless the same user owns both change objects).


Codependent change objects must be completed at the same time. You cannot promote change object 1 (or 2) to Approved if the other change object, which is codependent, is not at least In Approval. Also, promoting change object 1 ( or 2) to Approved will fail if the other change object is canceled. Once either change object is promoted to Completed, the other Approved change object is automatically promoted to Completed.

You can create a codependency between these change objects:

  • Change orders. Codependency between fast track and formal change orders is also allowed.
  • Self-governing change actions.
  • Self-governing change actions and change orders.

You can use only self-governing change actions in codependencies.

Self-governing change actions used in a codependency can be promoted until the In Approval state. Each change action in the codependency is promoted to the Approved state after its approval route is completed.

After promoting one CA from Approved, both are promoted to the Completed state. A change object governed by a change order can be promoted to the Approved state but cannot be further promoted if there is a codependency associated with the change object.

Change objects that are canceled or on hold cannot have a codependency or be a codependency.

Change objects in the Completed state can be added as codependencies only to change objects that are in the Completed state. Conversely, only change objects that are in the Completed state can be added as codependencies for change objects that are in the Completed state.

You cannot complete a change object if its dependent change object is canceled.

Stacking Dependency

Stacking dependency occurs when the effectivities of multiple change actions cause a net change on one or more instances. The change actions must be connected to each other as either a codependency or a simple dependency. Stacking dependencies can occur only using change actions but you do not create the stacking dependency using a command. Using two opened change objects, you can create one instance with the first change action and then modify the same instance with the second change action while the first one is not yet completed.

For example, one change action may insert an object in instances [1-10] while another change action moves the object in instances [8-10]. This stacking dependency has a net change for instances [1-7] and a different net change for instances [8-10].

The change actions can be either completed at the same time (codependency) or one chance action can be completed after the other (simple dependency).

Group Dependency

A group dependency occurs when a change action is added to a change action group. Other change actions that are part of the group are listed as dependent objects with the depencency type shown as group dependency. You cannot remove group dependency objects.