About Proposed Changes

A proposed change is an object that is to be considered as a change to another object. The proposed change is added to a change order (CO) or change action (CA), which is, in turn, attached to the object to be changed.

CAs are generated and listed in the Change Actions category. As proposed changes are added to the CO, the system identifies the object's type, policy, and responsible technical organization as unique combinations. This drives the generation and assignment of new CAs. Proposed and realized changes have their own lifecycle but cannot be directly promoted past the Frozen state. The CO and CA control the object until the object is in the Released state.

For Engineering BOM Management users: When a CO is added to an object, an associated CA is generated and is listed on this page. If the existing CA is in In Work and a new proposed change is added to the CO, another CA is generated for the CO and is also listed on this page.

This page discusses:

Rules for Change Order Proposed Changes

These rules apply to proposed changes connected to a CO:

  • Only the change order initiator or coordinator can add proposed changes to a CO.
  • The proposed item or realized item must be in Frozen state when the CA is moved to the In Approval state.
  • The proposed changes can be added or removed from the CO before the Evaluate state.
  • Once the CO is in the Review state, proposed changes cannot be added or removed.
  • When you add proposed changes, CAs are generated and assigned for each proposed change with relationship change action.
  • You can add or remove existing proposed changes from the Actions menu.
  • You can perform impact analysis/change assessment on each original proposed change to add related proposed changes to the CO.
  • When you add proposed changes, CAs are generated and assigned for each proposed change with relationship change action.
  • Removing a proposed change from the CO, does not delete the related CA.
  • You can use proposed changes in a new CO that are attached to a canceled CO without removing them from the canceled CO.

Rules for Requested Change

The following requested change is set by default when an object is added to a change object.

Object State Default Requested Change Comments
In Work For Release Requested change can be updated to For Update or None
Frozen For Release Requested change can be updated to For Update or None
Approved For Release Requested change can be updated to For Update or None
Release For Minor Revise/For Revise Requested change can be updated to For Update, For Obsolescence or None. The requested change for a released object can be For Minor Revise or For Revise, depending on its policy.
Obsolete - Cannot be added as a proposed change

Once a request change is set, you can update the Requested Change value in the change object Proposed Changes page.

  • For Release
    • An object cannot be promoted from the In Work state if the object is not connected to a change object. Only one CO can be connected to an object with 'For Release'. The object must be in a state that is before Released.
    • If an object is not connected to a CO with "Proposed Change", "Change Proposed Change", or "realized change" relationship, on promoting the object, this message displays:
      Cannot promote object without adding it to a change order or change action.
    • The object (connected to a CA) must be in the Frozen state to move the CA to the Completed state.
    • The object (connected to a CA) cannot be manually promoted to the Release state. Completing a CA promotes the object from the Frozen to Release state.
  • For Minor Revise
    • If any released object that supports minor revision is added to a CO or CR, the object is connected to a CA with Requested Change “For Minor Revision” by default.
    • When the CA is promoted from the Draft state to the In Work state, a new revision of the object is created and is connected to a CA as a realized change with the requested change defined as 'For Release'. When you complete the CA, the new revision is released.
  • For Revise
    • If any released object that supports Major revision is added to a CO or CR, the object is connected to a CA with Requested Change "For Revise" by default.
    • When the CA is promoted from the Draft state to the In Work state, a new revision of the object is created. The new revision is connected to the CA as a realized change with the requested change set to 'For Release'. When the CA is completed, the new revision is released.
  • For Obsolescence
    • Released objects added to a CO/CR are connected to the CA with Requested Change value 'For Minor Revise' by default. You can change the Requested Change to 'For Obsolescence' by editing the value in the Proposed Changes page.
    • Only objects in the Released state can have a Requested Change 'For Obsolescence.'
    • Completing a CA results in promoting the proposed change to the Obsolete state. This is connected to the CA as a realized change.
  • For Update
    • Objects added with a Requested Change 'For Update' have no impact on the proposed changes. When the CA is complete, the proposed changes remain unchanged.