Adding Proposed Changes to a Change Action

You can add new or existing objects to a change action (CA) to propose changes to be made and in what sequence. Only the CA owner or a contributor can propose a change while the CA is in a state before In Approval. All proposed and realized changes must be in the Frozen state before the CA can be moved to In Approval. When you add a proposed change, information that you enter is saved.

Before you begin:
  • An existing change action
  1. In the Change Actions Management widget, click the CA to open it.
  2. In the change action summary view, select the Proposed Changes tab.
  3. Click the arrow next to Proposed Changes to expand this section in the Proposed Changes tab.
  4. To create a proposed change, click the Create Proposed Change icon and enter:
    1. Changes after creation of Type?-- Enter a type for the object.
    2. Name?-- Enter a name for the object.
    3. What?-- Indicate whether you want to Modify or Change Status of the object.
    4. Why?-- Reason for the change.

    You can enter any text for the Type or Name.

  5. To add a proposed change, Click the Add Proposed Change icon and:
    1. Search for and select the proposed object to add.
    2. In the Proposed Change properties, select or enter the desired options for Change on, Change?, and Reason for Change? fields.

    For Change On, select from:

    • Current-- Use the current object
    • Revision-- Create another revision of the object.
    • Minor Revision-- Create a minor revision of the object, such as an update to a spec that does not change the revision of an object.
    • Evolution-- Create an evolution of the object, such as to change an existing product to derive a new product.

You can close the CA when finished.