Creating a Change Action for a Change Order or a Change Request

You can create a change action (CA) for a change order (CO) or a change request (CR). The change order or the change request becomes the governing CO or the governing CR for the CA.

Required Access Roles:

  • Baseline: Contributor
  • App-specific: Any user

Before you begin: Ensure the you have an existing CO or CR.
  1. Open the CO or CR.
  2. Select the Change Actions category.
  3. In the toolbar, click Create Change Action. The Create Change Action slide-in opens.
  4. Complete the fields below:

    Attribute Description
    Title Enter a phrase or title for the change action.
    Description Describe the required change.
    Severity Select Low, Medium, or High.
    Governing CO The change order to which the change action is to be associated. The change order governs the change.
    Governing CR

    The change request to which the change action is to be associated. The change request governs the change.

    This field appears only when you create a change action for a change request.

    Due Date Click to select the date when the review must be completed.
    Estimated Start Date Click to select the date when the review must start.
    Change Order Click to select a change order type or subtype.
    Assignees Click to select the person assigned to complete the change action.

    The assignee must be a Contributor or a Leader from the same organization and project as the change action.

    Approvers Click to select the person who is responsible for impact analysis and technical approval of the work on the change action.

    The approver must be a Reader, Contributor, or a Leader from the same organization and project as the change action. At least one approver must be a Leader from the same organization and project as the change action.

    Informed Users Click to select who will be notified that the change action is released.

    Note: When you create a change action for a change order, the change action Description field is prepopulated with the change order description. The change action Governing CO field shows the name of the change order.