Adding an Existing External Change Action

You can add external change actions for change requests and change orders from the Change Actions category in a CR and CO. External change actions have a slightly different icon than a local change action. External change actions are available only if an external change management system is integrated with Change Management.

Note: If the change process requires only an external change action, use a formal policy change order process instead.

  1. Open either a change request or a change order.
  2. Choose the Change Actions category.
  3. In the toolbar, click the Add icon.
  4. Add details:

    Attribute Description
    Repository Select a repository where the CA is to reside.
    Provider Select the entity that will be the CA provider.
    Type Select the type of change.
    Project Area Briefly describe the change.
    Search by Keyword or Work Item Number Select this option and enter a work item number or keywords in the text field as indicated.