Editing Proposed Change Details

You can edit proposed changes only when the change object is in the Draft or Evaluate states. You can edit either individual cells, or use mass update to make several changes at once. All editable columns except Contributor and Approver are available for mass update.

Before you begin:
  • Click the Content category, then click the Proposed Changes tab to view the proposed changes of a change action, change order, or change request.
See Also
Proposed Changes
  1. From the page toolbar, Enable Edit.
  2. Edit the following. Depending on from where you access the Proposed Changes page, you will see some or all of these editable fields.

    Column Description
    Description Type details about the proposed change.
    Reason for Change Type details about the reason for the change.
    Requested Change Select an option. Default options include: For Release, For Minor Revise, For Update, For Obsolescence, None.
    Note: You cannot select "For Revise" or "For Evolution", as a requested change in the Proposed Changes tab of a CA while the CA is in the In Work state.
    Change Comments Type a comment about the change.
    Contributor Click to search for and select the person who is to start work on the change action. Search results include all persons connected to the Responsible Technical Organization of the CA with a Design Engineer role.
    Approver Click to search for and select the person responsible for impact analysis and technical approval of the work done on the CA. Search results include persons connected to the Responsible Technical Organization of the CA with a Senior Design Engineer role.
    CA Effectivity The named effectivity of the CA when it is used for configured change orders (for example, change orders that are specific to certain units or products).

    For unconfigured change orders, a CA does not need named effectivity.

    Approver List Click to search for and select the list of users to review the CA.
    Note: Select a list whose approvers are listed by name (not by role, group, etc.)
    Planned End Date Click to select the date when the CA should be completed.
    Proposal Status Select a proposal status.
    • When the CA is in the Draft or the In Work state, you can change the status to Not Started, Started, Complete, or Rejected.
    • When the CA is in the In Approval state, an Approver can change the status to Complete or Rejected.
    • If the proposal status is Not Started, you can change it to Started or Complete.
    • If the proposal status is Started, you can change it to Not Started or Complete.
    • If the proposal status is Complete, you can change it to Not Started, Started, or Rejected.
    • If the proposal status is Rejected, you can change it to Not Started, Started, or Complete.
    Resolution Item Click to select a different revision of the object as a resolution for the proposed change.
    Revision Cue If a higher revision of the proposed object exists, is shown in the column. Click to select a different revision.

  3. Click Save.