Create Custom Roles

You can create custom roles based on specific permissions. You can also use this procedure to add permissions to existing hard-coded roles.

Custom roles are automatically added to the list of available roles when configuring user access. For more information, see Assign Roles to a User.

See Also
What Is a Role
Default Roles
Add Permissions to an Existing Role
Assign Roles to a User
Assign Roles to a Group of Users
  1. Edit the AdminUI.xml file in <DATADIR>\config\.
  2. Add your role below a </aui:Role> end-tag using the following syntax:

    <aui:Role name="my_custom_role">

  3. Add permissions to the role using the following tags:

    <aui:Permission id="<permission_id>" permission="<read_write_none>"/> </Role>

    Example: To give write access to the Administration Console > Deployment > Resources > Plugins section to a new role called plugin-admin, use the following syntax:
    <aui:Role name="plugin-admin">
      <aui:Permission id="plugins" permission="write"/>