Document Cache

You can use the document cache when you have a slow connector, or want to speed up indexing throughput.

This task shows you how to:

See Also
When to Reindex?
Configure Indexing


The document cache stores documents pushed by a connector, before being processed.

The document cache lifecycle is the same as that of the index: when you make a commit to the index, everything in the document cache (as well as everything the index server processes or that has gone through the PAPI server) is saved to disk.

Specifically, the typical use cases are:

  • During development, source throughput is too low.

  • In production, because the fetch (required for document fetch, thumbnail, and preview) latency is too high.

  • To ensure incremental updates for certain features—that is, updating a document without repushing it entirely. For example, Mashup Builder's social features such as tags require the document cache. When you add a tag, it is stored in the Mashup storage and this triggers a repush from cache operation for the impacted document. This repush from cache allows a document processor to retrieve the tags that are used to enrich documents before indexing.