Sending System Reporting

You can use the system report ONLY if requested by technical support. You can follow the wizard under the Help > Contact support to generate the standard system report (CVDiag) or from the command line.

This task shows you how to:


The system report embeds:

  • Logs of the process of the master and slaves.

  • The product configuration + history of the configurations used.

  • Machine-specific data (CPU, memory, disks).

  • List of files in DATADIR.

  • List of installed hotfixes.

  • Lists of queries run with stats.

  • List of indexing errors.

  • Data for generating graphs visible in monitoring console.

Note: Confidential information (for example, user login, password) and index data do not appear in the system report.

Create a System Report Using the Administration Console

  1. Go to Help > Create system report.
  2. Click Run system report.

    This opens a Run system report window. It is best to keep the default settings:

    1. Collect data from all hosts: clear this if you only want the master host.
    2. Collect process logs: use the defaults unless you need to set limits for the process logs.
    3. Max log size per process (MB)
    4. Max log days
    5. Max GCT version days
    6. Logs from only these processes: enter a comma-separated list of process names to collect logs for. If left blank, logs from all processes are collected.
    7. Collect core dumps: by default the core dump is limited to one per process.
    8. Collect managed stacks
    9. Collect native stacks: only select this if instructed by Technical support.
  3. Click Run to generate the report.
    You can either download or upload to an NETVIBES server.

Create a System Report from the Command Line

  1. Go to <DATADIR>/bin.
  2. Run cvdiag. You can find the generated ZIP file in <DATADIR>/cvdiags/
    Note: You can specify another output directory and file name using the following command: cvdiag /MY_PATH/

Upload to EXALEAD

The report upload does not normally require any additional configuration. Upload options are available for specific proxy connections.

  1. Configure the following:
    1. HTTP proxy host : leave blank for a direct internet connection
    2. HTTP proxy port
    3. HTTP proxy login
    4. HTTP proxy password
  2. Enter the Upload address: only change this address if instructed by technical support.
  3. Click Upload.