About recommendation condition and action types

When defining triggers, you usually need to define one or more conditions. When defining recommendations, you must define at least one action.

See Also
Enable and disable condition types
Additional conditions configuration
Testing rules

The process to create both conditions and actions is almost identical. Keep in mind, however, that their purposes differ:

  • For triggers: Trigger rule when...<condition> is true

  • For recommendations: Return recommendations that include...<action>

The following types are compared against the results from a search request.

Built-In Conditions Description
Specific item Includes a specific item. This is typically a product identifier

Includes a particular text metadata. Use Exalead CloudView text metas to define matching criteria.

For example, trigger a rule when the search results include a “Title” meta that contains the word ski.


Includes a numerical value or range. Use Exalead CloudView numerical metas to define matching criteria.

For example, trigger a rule when the search results include a “price” meta that is greater than 100 EUR.


Includes a particular Exalead CloudView category.

For example, to trigger a rule when the search results belongs under the Mountain section, in the ski category, select Top/Mountain/Ski.

The remaining types are compared against the search request itself.

Built-In Conditions Description
Query The specific search request entered by the end-user.
Page Parameters (trigger condition only)

: unlike the other types, this triggers a rule based on a parameter value that is external to the Exalead CloudView Index.

For example, if your Search Application is embedded within a national website for a chain store, different rules could be triggered based on the “choose your location” value from the website.

Note: To use this feature, your Exalead CloudView administrator must have first defined Page parameters in Mashup Builder.