Publishing workflow description

This section describes the user roles involved in the publishing workflow and a step-by-step view of this process.

This page discusses:

Publishing workflow user roles

This workflow is based on specific two user roles that must be assigned to users by the Exalead CloudView administrator:

  • Linguist is a business user who:

    • Proposes new semantic packages using the Business Console.

    • Publishes resources for use in actual processing.

  • Administrator is a technical user (consulting, IT...) who:

    • Configures the resource usage in the product.

    • Manages the technical deployment of resources on multiple hosts.

    • Deploys the resources from pre-prod to production.

Publishing workflow steps

The following table describes the publishing workflow steps that can be performed in the Business Console > Semantic menu by the Linguist and the Business administrator.



For details, see...


The linguist(s) defines the content of the semantic resource, tests it if applicable and submits his draft for approval.

This locks the resource which changes from Draft to Submitted for approval status.

Submit for validation

(see also Review a single resource)


The Business administrator approves or rejects changes.

  • If changes are approved, the resource turns to Approved status.
  • If changes are rejected, the resource is unlocked and returns to Draft status.

Review a single resource.

and Review several resources


The Business administrator clicks Go live to put Approved semantic resources.

The resource changes to Published status, and is deployed on all hosts.

Publish the resources


(Optional) The Business administrator may also want to view the resource history of all approved versions and rollback to a given version, to redeploy it afterwards.

View and manage resources history