Adding Rules Matcher Resources

A Semantic > Resources interface is available in the Business Console to easily configure your rules matcher needs.

This task shows you how to:

Create rules matcher resources in the Administration Console

Before you begin: This procedure explains how the Exalead CloudView administrator creates rules matcher resources in the Administration Console so that they can be edited in the Business Console.
  1. Go to Index > Data Processing > Semantic Processors.
  2. Drag the Rules Matcher processor to the list of current processors, and expand its configuration panel.
  3. Click Create new next to Resource directory.
  4. Enter the name of your rules matcher resource, for example, myrules.

    Note: For more details on its configuration, see Rules Matcher (Rule-Based) in the Exalead CloudView Configuration Guide.

  5. Click Save and Apply.

    Your new rules matcher resource shall now be available in the Business Console, under Semantic > Resources.

Configure a rules matcher resource

  1. In Semantic > Resources, select a Rules Matcher resource from the list of Resources.
    • If the semantic resource is not available in the list, click the Refresh button.
    • If the semantic resource is in the list but you get an error message, check with your Exalead CloudView Administrator. When a new resource is created, the changes must be applied to the configuration before being able to edit the resource.
  2. Click Add rule set and specify rules either graphically as in the following screenshot or in XML.

    Example of rule to detect email addresses in documents (we only search for addresses with .com, .net and .org here).

    Note: Note that in this example, we use No blank tags between each rule chunk. If we don’t add them, the rule will also detect email addresses with spaces and words before the email addresses, like “my address is john doe @”.