Add a Suggest Block List

You can add a suggest block list to make the suggest ignore expressions at search time.

Before you begin: To define a suggest block list, you must first have specified a suggest dictionary in the Administration Console. See Create a Suggest Dictionary in the Exalead CloudView Configuration Guide.
See Also
Add a Suggest Allow List
  1. In Semantic > Resources, select a suggest block list resource from the list of Resources.
  2. Click Import file.
  3. If you want to import the suggest block list from a CSV or Excel file, it should have 4 columns:
    • lang – for the ISO codes of the impacted language(s).
    • expr – the expression you want to block. For example, for a recipe website, you may want to exclude "tomato soup andy warhol" and "Echinacea tomato soup".
    • exact match – specifies if the expression must exactly match or partly match.
    • level – for the matching mode of the expressions (No (exact match), As lowercase, etc.)
    Example of suggest block list resource file in CSV