About the Data Model

The Data Model defines how documents are stored in the Exalead CloudView index. It provides a way to map the relevant document metas available in your corpus to specific properties grouped by classes. The data model defines how to store data in the index, and how to use it at search time.

See Also
What is the Data Model Expansion

Classes allow you to group lists of properties to clearly structure your data model, according to the types of documents present in your corpus. They are similar to Business Logic views.

Note: A document can only belong to one class.

Properties define the configuration of the document metas you want to index. During indexing, Exalead CloudView converts properties into dedicated index fields, and optionally hit display fields or facets, depending on your configuration.

Transformation of Document Metas into Index Fields via the Data Model

Exalead CloudView is installed with a default_model data model containing a default document class but you can create your own data models and classes.

For example, when indexing an information system for a bookstore, we could have source system data for authors and for books. To separate these, we could create a book class and an author class, and each consists of a specific set of properties.

  • The book class could have properties for document metas like: title, author, year publication, ISBN, etc.

  • The Author class could have properties for document metas like: last name, first name, date of birth, biography, etc.

    Important: All changes made to the data model require clearing the index and re-indexing data to avoid inconsistencies.