Choose from the following Date facets:
Date: provides fine-grain control on date sorting.
Dynamic dates: Automatically adjusts date granularity,
depending on the maximum number of categories specified, and the date range of
the search results.
Multiple facets, typically to display in tables, charts, or pivot tables
Choose from the following Multidimension facets:
Multi-dimension: Based on N single-dimension facets, and
generates a grid, with one facet per dimension. Each cell contains the number of
documents and aggregation values for each of the N single-dimension facets.
Displays only one level at time, which means better facet performance compared
to Hierarchical2D.
Hierarchical2D: Based on two single-dimension facets for
each axis. Displays all levels in the hierarchy at once. Use for multiple
Ranged values, such as prices ($0-100, $101-200...)
Numerical ranges are virtual numerical facets used to
organize search results in ranges. Specify how to create these ranges:
automatically: to specify the number of ranges only, and
leave Exalead CloudView define ranges based on search results automatically.
that are the same size: to define a fixed size for all
ranges. For example, a range of 100 creates the ranges 0-100, 101-200.
manually: to define everything, that is, the number of
ranges, their max and min values, and the range title to display in the
Refinements panel.
Geographic data, either rasters or vectors
Choose from the following Geographic facets:
Auto-tile geographic: Use for rasters. It creates
geographic facets based on a bounding box. Must be based on a XY or GPS point
Data Model property.
Geographic: Use for vectors. It creates geographic facets
based on disks or polygons. Must be based on a XY or GPS point Data Model
Alphanumeric metas with hierarchical values
Category: Use this type of facet if you want to display
hierarchical values, or want to define meta mappings to a category manually,
instead of using Data Model properties. This type of facet resides in the
index, under the category field in the format. It is the only
facet type that requires reindexing to be available in your application.
Alphanumeric metas with nonhierarchical values, such as a list of countries, or
file formats
Value: Use this instead of a Category facet. It is saved
under the value field, which is optimized for faster
faceting. Only use for nonhierarchical metas. Create this facet on a
value type index field.