How is the Transformation Distance Calculated
The transformation distance (Damereau-Levenshtein distance) is the number of changes (replace a letter, add a letter, transpose a letter, delete a letter) required to transform word A to word B. Each change represents a distance. The greater the transformation distance, the larger the difference between two words.
Exalead CloudView performs distance 1 and distance 2 spell-checking. This means spell-check suggests alternate words that have a distance of 1 (or 2, for longer words) from the original word.
For example, let us assume each transformation change (replace, add, transpose, delete) has the same distance value of 1. If you index the Exalead CloudView documentation and enable spell check, a search on “exaleed” would suggest “exalead”. “exalead” qualifies as a valid suggestion of spell check because it is at distance 1 from the original search term (an "a" replaced the third “e”), and occurs quite frequently in the documentation.
By contrast, “exaloda” (if this word really exists in the corpus) would not qualify because it is at distance 2 from the original search team: it requires substituting the “o” with an “e”, plus transposing the “d” and “a”.