prefix handlers
Prefix handlers are always processed first.
Obama before:2009/01/01 , searches for all documents relating to
Obama before January 2009.
FUZZYAND/option (expression)
Search for documents that match at least N queries, where N is determined by the
fuzzyand option.
This option can be either:
minimum success : at least N queries must match. N is a positive
- or
maximum failures : up to N queries can fail. N is a negative
For a document that contains:
The quick brown fox.
If min. success=2: FUZZYAND/2 (the quick brown foxes) matches, but
FUZZYAND/2 (a brown foxx) does not.
If max. failure=-1: FUZZYAND/-1 (a quick brown fox) matches, but
FUZZYAND/-1 (a quick foxx) does not.
OPT e1
Optional operator
OPT graphical
NOT e1
Negation operator
NOT myword
e1 NEXT e2
Explicit sequence operator for adjacency match.
user NEXT interface
e1 AFTER e2
Proximity (mono-directional) match
interface AFTER user
e1 AFTER/distance e2
AFTER with explicit word distance
interface AFTER/4 user
e1 BEFORE e2
Proximity with mono-directional match
user BEFORE interface
e1 BEFORE/distance e2
BEFORE with explicit word distance
interface BEFORE/4 user
e1 NEAR e2
Proximity operator with bidirectional match
user NEAR interface
e1 NEAR/distance e2
NEAR with explicit word distance
user NEAR/4 interface
e1 SPLIT e2
A document is returned if e1 appears in at least one of the
document sections delimited by the e2 delimiter. If the
e2 delimiter is not present in a document, then the document is
returned if e1 is valid at the document level.
user interface SPLIT Chapter
Matches if user interface appears between two "Chapters"
e1 e2
Implicit match operator on a sequence of words. It uses the implicit operator,
which is AND by default.
search engine
(e1) INNERJOIN/key (e2)
Search for documents matching e1 where e2 appears
in child documents. The relation between documents is contained in a key index
field, which must be an unsigned integer. For performance reasons, it is best
to enable the Stored in Memory option.
subject:exalead INNERJOIN/msgId fulltext:france
We first select documents whose subject is exalead , then the
join is made with documents containing the word france .
e1 BUTNOT e2
The search matches if there is at least an instance of e1 is not
also an instance of e2 at the same position.
York BUTNOT "New York"
e1 AND e2
Explicit conjunction match.
user AND interface
e1 XOR e2
Exclusive OR operation. It can be either e1 OR
e2 , but not e1 AND e2
design XOR conception
e1 OR e2
Disjunction match
design OR conception
e1 BOR e2
Disjunction match
To use only for a fast OR on many documents
design BOR conception