Analyzing User Queries with Reporters

CloudView contains several reporters allowing you to collect reporting information related to the behavior of your front-end applications.

For example, reporters can retrieve information related to the execution time or the CPU time of the search service, the suggest service, the mashup components of your applications (page, feed, widget, and trigger), etc. Reporters are therefore useful to analyze and troubleshoot performance issues.

Once you have selected a reporter, you can choose between different output formats to export collected data. To do so, you can select one or several publishers: CSV, JDBC, Reporting Store, PAPI.

Once data is exported to CSV, JDBC or Reporting Store, you can build reports out of it using external reporting tools.

In this section:

About Reporters
Output Reporting Data to CSV Files
Output Reporting Data to a JDBC Database
Output Reporting Data to the Internal SQLite Database
Index Reporting Data as a Data Source
Available Fields for the Reporting Publishers