Apply changes when Exalead CloudView has stopped

In rare cases, a severe configuration conflict can prevent Exalead CloudView from starting. As a result, the standard tools to apply changes will be unavailable.

For this scenario, use the buildgct emergency configuration application tool.

Before you begin: You must follow this procedure exactly as described for it to work.
Important: Do not use buildgct except for this procedure, especially for multi-host deployments. The buildgct tool does not contact the other hosts to synchronize the configurations, so it can cause severe inconsistencies in the product configuration.
  1. Stop Exalead CloudView on all servers.
  2. Edit the configuration files to fix the error.
  3. Run <DATADIR>/bin/buildgct.
  4. If it fails, continue editing.
  5. Restart the master host.
  6. Wait for the master host to be fully started.
  7. Restart the other hosts, if any.