Identify the Cause of the Index Crash

The following procedure describes how to identify the cause of the crash.

See Also
Unexpected Search Behavior
  1. Go to the log.log file in <DATADIR>\run\indexingserver-bg0\
  2. Look for ‘ERROR’.
  3. You need to locate:
    • document URI
    • processor type
    • method

    The document URI is added to the block list file indexing_uri_blacklist.txt in <DATADIR>\gct. It is not indexed anymore.

  4. Contact support for advanced analysis (file format, character strings etc.).


@@CRITICAL ERROR with "/%2Fdata%2Fcorpus%2Fdepeches%2Fvrac%2Ffr/3_2006-06-21T1226_FAP4251.txt"
 in LanguageDetector_process (com.exalead.indexing.analysis.processors.cpp:622):
 caught abort (signal 6) from tkill (code -6)

Key elements are:

  • document URI: 3_2006-06-21T1226_FAP4251.txt

  • processor type: LanguageDetector

  • method: process