Store Properties in a Parent Class Dynamic Property

For big projects with a lot of fields, you can mutualize dynamic fields if they can be used by different classes.

The idea is to store the properties of child classes into a single dynamic property specified for a parent class. For example, we could configure our data model to have:

parent_class with:

  • dynprop_num_ram

  • dynprop_alpha_search

  • ...

  • common_prop1

  • common_prop2

and child_class1 with:

  • prop1 --> in dynprop_num_ram (parent_class)

  • prop2 --> in dynprop_alpha_search (parent_class)

  • ...

  • prop3 (dedicated to this class)

See Also
Add a Dynamic Property
About Storing and Displaying Dynamic Property Fields
Search Dynamic Property Fields
Using Properties to Configure Document Metas
Creating Multivalued Properties
  1. In the Administration Console, go to Index > Data Model.
  2. Select a property, then expand Other advanced options.
  3. In Store in dynamic property, enter the name of the dynamic property in which you want to store the current property.
  4. To avoid getting duplicate values for your children meta at search time:
    1. Expand Expansion control.
    2. Select Customize default expansion.
    3. Clear Generate hit meta.
  5. Click Apply.