Test the Analysis Pipeline with a New Custom Document

You can push new test documents to the index.

See Also
Test the Analysis Pipeline with an Indexed Document
Display Document Processing Information
Test the Semantic Processing of your Analysis Pipeline
Understanding and Using the Analysis Pipeline
  1. In the Administration Console, go to Index > Data Processing > Test.
  2. Select Create a custom document and click Edit document.

    The Edit dialog box is displayed.

  3. Enter the unique document identifier in URI and the time stamp (optional).

    For example, myuri and 2015/03/28-08:00:00.

  4. In the Metas section, set the meta details for the document in meta name and value.

    For example, enter department as meta name and marketing as value.

  5. Click Add meta to create new metas.
  6. Click Upload file to select your document.

    Your document is displayed with the name master. Click this name to display:

    • the filename. For example, doc.
    • the encoding type. For example, UTF-8.
    • the mimeHint. For example, text/richtext.
  7. Click Close.
  8. Click Process.

You can now test the analysis pipeline using the displayed document processing information.