What is the difference between a managed and unmanaged connector?
A managed connector is a piece of code running within Exalead CloudView. It must be packaged as a Exalead CloudView Plugin to be deployed and configured in Exalead CloudView. You must develop it in Java, using the Connectors Framework API available in:
for V6R2014 and higher versions. -
in previous versions.
An unmanaged connector is an external component that sends data to Exalead CloudView using the Push API. You can develop an unmanaged connector in any language, either by using Exalead CloudView Push API clients (available in Java, C# and PHP), or by directly targeting the HTTP API. You must manage and deploy unmanaged connectors yourself, as Exalead CloudView is not aware of these connectors.
All standard Exalead CloudView connectors are managed connectors. For more details, see the Exalead CloudView Connectors Guide.