You can develop custom components for:
Exalead CloudView core
Document Processors
Meta Processors
Prefix Handlers
Push API Filters
Query Processors
Security Sources
Exalead CloudView Mashup
Feed Triggers
Mashup Triggers
Pre-Request Triggers
MEL Functions
Security Providers
Why use it
Easy deployment: you can package your plugin with customized
components to be exported and deployed automatically on the selected
instance of Exalead CloudView.
For Mashup UI, this avoids
rebuilding and redeploying the standalone-mashup-ui.war
package for each customized item.
Quick export: you can package your plugin with classes that you
want to export and then export it as a zip file on a selected path.
Manage installs: you can list the deployed plugins on a selected
instance of Exalead CloudView
and then select the plugins to remove.
Debug connectors: you can use the debugging functionality to
debug the code of custom connectors on-the-fly and avoid redeploying
on an instance to check your code changes.