boolean areDocumentsSearchable(long serial)

The areDocumentsSearchable method determines whether the documents can be found at search time. Use it with the sync method which provides the expected serial.

Note: The setCheckpoint method with the sync parameter set to true also provides the expected serial.

This page discusses:

HTTP method

The method used is:

POST http://<host>:<port>/papi/4/connectors/<connectorName>/are_documents_searchable

HTTP parameter

The parameter is described in the table below.






The serial parameter is the string representation of the serial.



The optional parameter that retrieves the session given by a previous call to get_current_session_id

Action: if there is a session mismatch, the Push API server refuses the command and returns an exception.

HTTP response

The command uses the standard HTTP responses. See HTTP command response.

If status is OK, the body contains the string representation of the boolean value (true or false).