Introducing the CSV Connector

This chapter describes the supported features of the CSV Connector and how to configure it using Exalead CloudView Administration Console.

Using the CSV connector you can:

This page discusses:

Aggregate Column Values

Accumulation is the aggregation of column values on multiple rows that represent a single document. The CSV Connector can dynamically aggregate data contained in a CSV file before it is indexed based on the connector's settings.

By default, accumulation occurs on consecutive rows that have the same document URI. You can override the accumulation behavior by specifying columns to group by in Group by. This is similar to setting the primary keys for databases. If you specify column A as the Grouping column, then rows 2 and 3 merge into a single document with 2 values: y and z. See the Group by parameters in Configure the Connector.

Filter Columns

By default, the CSV connector crawls every column of the CSV file. You can filter out columns when configuring the Columns selection parameters in Configure the Connector.

Customize Column Names

You can rename a column name to a meta name used in the Exalead CloudView index. This is particularly useful for CSV files that do not contain a header, which generate column names 0, 1, 2, etc. See Custom column names in Configure the Connector.