Configuring the Replay Connector

The Replay service has 3 components embedded by default in Exalead CloudView:

  • The Replay server role
  • The Replay connector
  • The Replay PushAPI Filter

This task shows you how to:

Deploy the Replay Server Role

  1. Go to Deployment > Roles.
  2. Click Add roles.
  3. Select Data integration > Replay server.
  4. In the newly created Replay server, enter:
    1. The Instance name, for example, replay0.
    2. The Connection idle time (in seconds)
    3. The Port used by the Replay HTTP server, for example, 8080.
    4. In addition, to use an external database to retrieve and write replay data, you must configure the following options:

      Option Description
      Engine type Choose between Oracle, SQLite, and PostgreSQL.

      For Oracle and PostgreSQL, the JDBC driver jar file must be available in the <DATADIR>/javabin directory.

      Connection URL The URL of the database used to retrieve and write replay data. Use the following URL formats:
      • For Oracle: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<hostname>:<port Number>:<databaseName>
      • For PostgreSQL: jdbc:postgresql://host:port/database
      • For SQLite: this parameter is ignored.
      Database Login The login of a user allowed to access the database, read the data model and create tables.

      For Oracle and PostgreSQL

      Database Password The password associated to the login.

      For Oracle and PostgreSQL

      Overlay threshold (in Mb) Size threshold over which a PAPI command is not stored in the database, but copied in a separate file and referenced by the database.

      If you specify 0 or a negative value, the command is always stored in the database.

      Recommendation: Specify 0 for Oracle and PostgreSQL.
      Transaction size threshold (in Mb) Size threshold of the database transactions gathering PAPI commands. If a transaction exceeds this value, it is committed to the database.

      If you specify 0 or a negative value, the transaction is committed to the database for each PAPI command.

      Note: If a problem occurs (power outage, network failure, etc.), each command that is part of a non-committed transaction is lost.
      Transaction duration threshold (in seconds) Maximum duration during which a database transaction cannot be committed.

      If you specify 0 or a negative value, the transaction is committed to the database for each PAPI command.

      Note: If a problem occurs (power outage, network failure, etc.), each command that is part of a non-committed transaction is lost.

  5. Click Apply.
  6. Restart Exalead CloudView.

Capture a Data Flow

Configure the Connector to Replay

You can add a PushAPI filter to your connector configuration and define the Replay server to use.

  1. Edit the connector you want to replay.
  2. Display the Advanced tab.
  3. In PushAPI filters:
    1. For PushAPI filter type, select Replay PushAPI filter.
    2. In Replay server instance, enter the instance name you defined previously for the Replay server role (for example, replay0).
    3. In Name of this source, enter the name of the connector you want to replay (for example, mysource).

      Note: This name is also asked for the Source to replay option in the next section, dedicated to the connector configuration.

  4. Scan your connector.

    Note: The number of documents displayed for a connector applies to all connectors sharing the same Replay server.

Create the Replay Connector

  1. Go to Index > Connectors.
  2. Click Add connector.
  3. Select the Replay connector type and give it a name.
  4. Click Accept.
  5. Configure the connector:
    1. In Source to replay, enter the name of the connector you want to replay (for example, mysource).
    2. In Replay Server instance, enter the name of the Replay server defined previously (for example, replay0) .
    3. Optional: Select a time frame for the indexing you want to replay. If no time frame is defined, it pushes everything.
  6. Optional: Select the PAPI commands you want to replay in Select the PAPI commands to replay. By default, all PAPI commands are sent.