Connect to the JDBC Database

Exalead CloudView provides a direct connection parameter to connect to your JDBC Database sources called the Connection string. You can provide the JDBC Database name, server address, and account information if required.

For example, jdbc:mysql://<HOSTNAME>:<BASEPORT>/DATABASE

The following is a sample procedure for configuring a Native MySQL database.

  1. In the Connection Parameters pane:
    1. In the Driver field, select one of the drivers installed. For example, com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    2. In the Connection string field, enter the JDBC URL of the Database. The syntax varies depending on the driver selected, for example, jdbc:mysql://<localhost>/northwind
    3. In the User field, enter the username of the Database account to use.
    4. In the Password field, enter the password for the account.

    Note: If the password for that account is changed, you must also change it in Exalead CloudView.

  2. Click Test connection.

    The JDBC Database connector automatically connects to the JDBC Database, and the message Connection is ok displays.

  3. Click Apply.
  4. After you verify the JDBC Database connection, specify the queries that select the table fields to be crawled in the Query parameters pane. See Specify the Query Parameters.